a proposito de Xangai...
"Shanghai situated on the banks of the Yangtze River Delta in East China, is the largest city of the People's Republic of China and the 7th largest in the world.
Originally a fishing town, Shanghai became China's most important city by the 20th century and was the center of popular culture, intellectual discourse and political intrigue during the Republic of China era. In the late 19th century and early 18th century, Shanghai became the third largest financial center in the world, ranking after New York City and London, and the largest commercial city in the Far East. Some challenges remain for Shanghai at the beginning of the 21st century, as the city struggles to cope with increased worker migration and a huge wealth gap. Despite these challenges, Shanghai's skyscrapers and modern lifestyle are often seen as representing China's recent economic development."
Originally a fishing town, Shanghai became China's most important city by the 20th century and was the center of popular culture, intellectual discourse and political intrigue during the Republic of China era. In the late 19th century and early 18th century, Shanghai became the third largest financial center in the world, ranking after New York City and London, and the largest commercial city in the Far East. Some challenges remain for Shanghai at the beginning of the 21st century, as the city struggles to cope with increased worker migration and a huge wealth gap. Despite these challenges, Shanghai's skyscrapers and modern lifestyle are often seen as representing China's recent economic development."
photographs: "Views from Pudong over Shanghai city" - took by Olga Tavares