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"Ronald "Ron" Mueck (born 1958) is an Australian hyperrealist sculptor (...)
Mueck's early career was as a model maker and puppeteer for children's television and films.
Mueck moved on to establish his own company in London, making photo-realistic props and animatronics for the advertising industry.
In 1996 Mueck transitioned to fine art, collaborating with his mother-in-law, Paula Rego, to produce small figures as part of a tableau she was showing at the Hayward Gallery.(...)
Mueck's sculptures faithfully reproduce the minute detail of the human body, but play with scale to produce disconcertingly jarring visual images. His five metre high sculpture Boy 1999 was a feature in the Millennium Dome and later exhibited in the Venice Biennale.(...) (wen we first met :) ...)
A major retrospective of Mueck's work was held in his home town of Melbourne, Australia, in April 2010, at the National Gallery of Victoria." (we meet again :)...)
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